New Mexico
Pharmacists Association

NM Department of Health

New Mexico Statewide Standing Order for Registered Pharmacist to Dispense Over the Counter (OTC) COVID-19 At-Home Antigen Test Kits Renewed September 13, 2023 

CDC Covid Chart - 6 months and older

Schedule from the CDC - July 22, 2022

Form for Pharmacist prescribing of Paxlovid

Pharmacist Paxlovid prescribing document

This link is to a document developed in conjunction with the Department of Health and other providers to assist pharmacists with prescribing Paxlovid for patients with recent symptoms for COVID-19

Reimbursement by Medicaid MCO's for Pharmacist Clinical Services as required by HB 42 - 7/15/2022

Blue Cross Blue Shield - Prime Therapeutics

Presbyterian - OptumRx

Western Sky Community Care - CVS Caremark - updated document 8/8/22

Western Sky Community Care created - special instructions just for Vaccines for HB42

document - posted 11/16/22

Medicaid Supplement issued March 2022 regarding reimbursement for Pharmacists clinical services (HB 42 implementation)

Superintendent of Insurance information This is a bulleting from our Superintendent regarding the requirement for health plans to comply with the pharmacists reimbursement parity law (HB 42).

Overview of Therapeutics Authorized or Approved for the Prevention of COVID-19 Infection or Treatment of Mild-Moderate COVID-19

File link - 5/4/22

Information about Pharmacist Prescribing Paxlovid

Office of the Superintendent of Insurance

Statement regarding reimbursement for COVID-19 vaccinations and copay implementation

Department of Health Information:

New Mexico Statewide Standing Order for Registered Pharmacist to Prescribe and
Dispense Over the Counter (OTC) COVID-19 At-Home Antigen Test Kits

Community Resource Guide for New Mexico Healthcare Professionals (4/8/22)

Booster flow chart updated: (7/8/22)

COVID-19 Vaccine Recommendations updated to include under age 5 as well as booster recommendations. This flow chart if now two pages long.

Providers can go to the DOH site webpage under provider info tab. We update the webpage frequently with quick reference guides, FAQs, and links to the COVID therapeutics finder

Check out the two information sheets available to help patients and providers talk about COVID-19 treatment options: (posted February 15)

Covid treatment information sheet - English

Covid treatment information sheet - Spanish

Slides regarding pharmacy provision of oral COVID therapies - updated 1/23/22

COVID-19 Therapeutics Quick Reference Guide for Pharmacy Staff - posted 1/26/22

Facts and Myths about vaccinations - posted 1/14/22

Blue Cross Blue Shield letter about OTC products reimbursement

Covid19 OTC Testing reimbursement in pharmacies - posted 1/23/22

Department of Health letter regarding educator vaccinations:

Educator letter from DOH

Public Education FAQ about school reentry plans

COVID-19 Vaccination Billing guidance: (2/9/21 update)

Presbyterian (OptumRx)

Blue Cross Blue Shield (Prime Therapeutics)

Western Sky Community Care (CVS Caremark)

Medicaid fee-for-service 

Department of Health

(1/22/2021 update)

New Mexico is evaluating its participation in the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program. The state will select the option which provides the most benefit to New Mexicans. The recent change in administrations will likely have significant impact in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout and state decision regarding the program.

Regardless of participation in the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program, the state plans on heavy utilization of pharmacy partners throughout the COVID-19 vaccination process. 

In order to be prepared for either scenario, we encourage ALL New Mexico pharmacies to be enrolled as state covid-19 providers. 

Pharmacies who have registered through their distributor or through the Federal Retail Program will need to complete an additional COVID-19 Vaccine Provider application through the state COVID-19 website in order to be a registered state COVID-19 provider. 

The application is available at . Questions may be directed to

The document linked below provides extensive guidance to get your pharmacy established as a vaccine provider and to be prepared for providing your patients the COVID-19 vaccinations.

   Here is the COVID-19 Provider Guide from the Department of Health

Below is a link to Northwestern’s FREE COVID-19: Vaccines 101 Online Courses.

Below is the link for pharmacies and pharmacists to register as vaccine providers:

Below is the link on how to sign up to be a COVID vaccinator… information from Courtney w/ the NM DOH!




Moderna vaccine Information
(updated 11/19/21)

The Moderna website for healthcare providers that offers access to medical services that includes resources and tools, vaccine FAQ (frequently asked questions), and ability to contact Moderna on the site

The other helpful link provides access to the current EUA (emergency use authorization) and Fact Sheet for healthcare providers:

Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine (Vaccination Providers) and Full EUA Prescribing Information

    Files for pharmacist use and information (12-14-2020)

    Vaccine Expiration Date Tracker

    Pfizer temperature log Ultracold storage - Fahrenheit

    Pfizer temperature log Ultracold storage - Celsius

    Pfizer Storage Summary

    Prizer Storage Label

    Pfizer Beyond Use Date Tracking labels

    Dry ice Safety - Healthcare

    COVID-19 Resources 

      We have received some updated information from the NM Department of Health.

      The files have been linked below. I encourage pharmacists to review the files, especially the presentation from Courtney Lovato, the Department of Health Pharmacist.

      1. Presentation - Courtney Lovato, NM DOH Pharmacist

      2. Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care Program for COVID-19 Vaccination

      3. Pharmacy Partnership for LTC Program for COVID-19 Vaccination - FAQ's

      Updates for Pharmacies and Pharmacists planning to provide COVID-19 testing

      1. The Board of Pharmacy has updated the guidance provided on May 11.

      Updated on May 20, 2020.

      2. Department of Health test reporting instructions:

      Instruction information

      3. Department of Health report format

      csv file format in Excel

      4. Federal Department of Health and Human Services

      Document dated May 19, 2020

      Board of Pharmacy COVID-19 Page

      There is a lot of information on the Board website regarding releases about dealing with various pharmacy issues!

      NM Human Services Department - received 3/19/20

      Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) releases - Temporary Enforcement Guidance for Respirator Fit Testing Requirements

      COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions for Providers - New Mexico Health and Humans Services Department

      New Mexico Immunization Coalition - 5/5/20 

      Frequently Asked Questions about Routine Vaccinations due to COVID-19 Current as of May 5, 2020—clinic priorities will likely change in the future. Call your provider for more information - New Mexico Immunization Coalition

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